Understand and improve your Portfolio like never before
We perform continuous evaluation of companies on the NSE & BSE. The companies are screened by our magic formula which tends to find the best growth oriented companies.
We evaluate every client’s portfolio as our own portfolio. This ideology makes us provide you with the best advise within your risk apetitie.
Our team conducts thorough fundamental & technical research on the shortlisted companies. Only the highest rated companies are included in your portfolio.
To avoid biasness we use the process of elimination to choose a stock.
Know what you own
Easy to understand research reports, with the details a retail investor requires. No beating around the bush, just the facts and important inforasy to understand research reports, with the details a retail investor requires. No beating around the bush, just the facts and important information. Brief information of every investment in your portfolio, their possible future performance, historical returns, visual understanding on the strengths & weaknesses of each holding and a lot more.

We track your Investments
We track your investments daily and let you know of any changes required in your portfolio. We analyze every company’s quarterly results, annual reports; attend AGM’s, management meet notes, conference calls & major announcements etc. We inform you only if there is a possibility of change in the performance of your restructured portfolio.